Thursday, September 20, 2007
It's official, Otto is huge. Somehow Eric and I managed to make a tall baby. Today Otto and I went for his well baby visit, aka SHOTS! Daddy was working, lucky him. Otto is now a hair shy of 28 inches tall, long(??) and 18 lbs. For weight he is in the 50% which is quite normal. For height he is in the 80%! Does he not know that he has short parents. Perhaps he is going to take after his uncle Racer. Can't say that is a bad thing, my "little" brother who now towers over me by almost a foot is pretty cute. There are worse people to take after. After being weighed and measured and laughing at the doctors silly name tags which he was determined to eat he made it through four shots. This was the best time yet for shots. He cried but not near as much as last time. Once it was all said and done he got to cuddle with me and chew on his giraffe toy which made it all ok. He is totally healthy is all regards and wowed the nurses with his mega watt smile which now shows off his new teeth. All in all I would say it went better than expected.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Mom has been at it again, taking pictures of me while eating strange new foods. In an attempt to get things moving through me, I am supposed to drink juice. The problem is I have not mastered the sippy cup art and juice through a bottle is just gross to me. So Mom made it into jello. I have not decided if it is safe to eat yet, despite numerous attempts. But it sure is fun to play with.
More from the Glen
Watkins Glen
So a week ago Mom and Dad took me to Watkin's Glen for the historic car races. They had been telling me how much fun we were going to have for weeks. They bought me these noise blocking headphones which I have been mastering the art of removing, it was sure to be a blast. Well Sunday when we woke up at the cabin, ready to head to the Glen, it was raining. Word on the street was there was a HUGE thunderstorm in the night, but I slept through that. This was pre-cold as you can tell since I slept. It is still a little over an hour drive from the cabin to the Glen so we packed up and headed out hoping that the weather would be better further north. Well such was not the case. We managed to see some cool cars before the rain got too intense to be outside, but due the weather they were not running any races. By the time we got there a lot of people had already left, and those who were still around where packing up shop. One really cool site was The Bugatti Club of America had a rather impressive tent set up with easily a couple million dollars worth of cars under on tent. Dad took a video of one revving up the engine.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
so, I hope everyone is enjoying the news updates because this last one may have been it. I was worried about jinxing it and I did. No sooner do I post the news about how Otto is sleeping and he hits a new milestone. His first cold. Needless to say I am not as excited about this milestone. For the most part he has been doing ok. Just a case of the sniffles really. Sunday night was the worst. When he woke up to nurse he was so snotty he couldn''t breathe to nurse. After trying everything we could here, bugger sucker, hot steamy bathroom etc... we called the doctor. She suggested a vaporizer. So off to Wal-Mart went Dad in search of "treats" for Otto. Well the vaporizer did the trick and within just a few minutes he was breathing easier. Complain as I may about Wal-Mart, I am sure glad when we can gok there in the middle of the night to get something for Otto. He did not want to be put down so Eric and I took turns holding him upright for the night. We were pretty worried that we had broken the crib charm. Luckily he is back to sleeping in the crib but he is getting up pretty often. I think it is because he still doesn't feel 100% and am hoping once he feels better he will start stretching out again. The best part of all of this, today I have a sore throat. I am a big believer in mind over matter and am willing myself to feel better. This week we have been graced with beautiful fall weather so I guess it is only fitting we have a cold to go along with it.
I promise adorable pictures of Otto in fall clothes soon.
I promise adorable pictures of Otto in fall clothes soon.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Update from Mom
so I haven't been wanting to say anything for fear of jinxing our good run, but, Otto is sleeping!! Since Labor Day weekend he has been sleeping in the crib. We can now put him down even if he is not totally asleep and he will fall asleep in the crib if you rub his back. Then he started stretching out to 3 and 4 hour stretches. Last night he slept for 6 hours. Not only that, I did too!!! He is still doing 2 and 3 hour stints at the beginning of the night. Last night he slept from 7 - 9:30, 9:30 - 11:30 and then 11:30 - 5:30. After he nursed in the morning it took until 6:45 to get him back to sleep. He was pretty sure we should start out day then but persistence on the part of Eric and I got him back to sleep until 8:20!! Now what did I do with my new sleep filled brain you ask? Well I noticed how much I need to clean so I scrubbed the bathrooms, really scrubbed with bleach until they gleamed. Then I noticed that the living room windows also needed a good scrubbing so I tackled those inside and out. They look wonderful now which is nice. It was nice to get things done, but it will be even nicer to lounge tonight knowing that I accomplished something today. I am sure there will be set backs going forward, but we have made so much progress in the past month it is just amazing. He continues to be the cutest kid around but the sleeping is just so awesome. There is rumor that at some point kids actually sleep through the night, but I am not going to believe that until I see it. Oh yeah, the sleeping is getting so good we (eric and i) went on a date this past thursday. We have a bucknell student who watches him every tuesday for a couple hours and he really likes her. She came as we were putting him down. Once he was out we headed down the street to dinner. We made it home before he woke for his next feeding which was perfect. It was crazy, just eric and i together, eating at the same time. What is the world coming to? Eric took some great video of a green bean incident which we will get up soon. Since it has been a bit since I posted any pictures I will take some tomorrow and post them.
so I haven't been wanting to say anything for fear of jinxing our good run, but, Otto is sleeping!! Since Labor Day weekend he has been sleeping in the crib. We can now put him down even if he is not totally asleep and he will fall asleep in the crib if you rub his back. Then he started stretching out to 3 and 4 hour stretches. Last night he slept for 6 hours. Not only that, I did too!!! He is still doing 2 and 3 hour stints at the beginning of the night. Last night he slept from 7 - 9:30, 9:30 - 11:30 and then 11:30 - 5:30. After he nursed in the morning it took until 6:45 to get him back to sleep. He was pretty sure we should start out day then but persistence on the part of Eric and I got him back to sleep until 8:20!! Now what did I do with my new sleep filled brain you ask? Well I noticed how much I need to clean so I scrubbed the bathrooms, really scrubbed with bleach until they gleamed. Then I noticed that the living room windows also needed a good scrubbing so I tackled those inside and out. They look wonderful now which is nice. It was nice to get things done, but it will be even nicer to lounge tonight knowing that I accomplished something today. I am sure there will be set backs going forward, but we have made so much progress in the past month it is just amazing. He continues to be the cutest kid around but the sleeping is just so awesome. There is rumor that at some point kids actually sleep through the night, but I am not going to believe that until I see it. Oh yeah, the sleeping is getting so good we (eric and i) went on a date this past thursday. We have a bucknell student who watches him every tuesday for a couple hours and he really likes her. She came as we were putting him down. Once he was out we headed down the street to dinner. We made it home before he woke for his next feeding which was perfect. It was crazy, just eric and i together, eating at the same time. What is the world coming to? Eric took some great video of a green bean incident which we will get up soon. Since it has been a bit since I posted any pictures I will take some tomorrow and post them.
Monday, September 10, 2007
So we have a new trick for you, video. Mom, with the help of dad, just figured out how to publish videos of me. Now you can see all my tricks in action. You can be sure that there will be more videos in the future. Dad is getting a new camera at work and it should be arriving soon. He is going to need to do a lot of test shooting to learn all of the cameras new tricks. Guess who will be staring in his films?? Here are two videos that show just how much I have grown in the last 6 months. You can see though that I have been a happy guy from the beginning.
As time gos by
Here is a look at Otto in action. This video was taken by Eric when Otto was only a few days old, possibly only one day old
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Here I am at the cabin with my first teething biscuit. I loved it. It made a glorious mess all over me, the highchair and anything that came in contact with either of the above. I also loved to eat the bib. Since these photos a few days ago I have mastered the art of pulling off my bib. So I won't be bothered with those pesky things anymore. It is back to eating in the buff, my preferred way. More importantly than the bib, or the mess I can make, I got my first tooth!!! It is my lower left front tooth. Mom saw and felt it last night, but today there is no denying it, I have a tooth. If she could take a picture of it, she would. Oh the things I will chomp! Today I also went on an excursion to the State College Target with mom, Jenn, Henry, Megan and Leo. We are quite the crew when we all travel together. I got some way cool duds for the fall and some cool new bath toys. Henry and I rode in the back of his car on the way there and back. It was pretty cool having another kid to look at. While there I also got my first bicycle helmet. It is still a little big, but this means that I can go in the bike trailer with dad! What a cool day!

holy crap i am cute
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(actual post from otto. ) So, my grandmom Hope bought me this costume for Halloween, but we needed to make sure it fit. Dad thought I was so cute he almost peed his pants. Mom especially loves the tail. Regardless there is room to grow in this outfit and I am sure I will be wearing it often.
more from mom
So as you can see Otto can taken to sleeping on his stomach now that he can roll over. I don't mind that, it is the face planted firmly in the bed that scares me to death. He does turn his head after a while, but he insists on falling asleep like that. After much time listening to hear if he is breathing I can assure you he CAN breathe like that. He also likes to have his butt in the air which Eric says was his favorite position back in the day. There is a little part of me that thinks it would be cute if he still did that sometimes. HE HE. Just for the record I read that 6 months after you have a baby that you have more connections in you brain which = smarter. Well I just proved that theory wrong, I spent a good 5 minutes with the camera plugged into the phone charger wondering why I couldn't download any photos.

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