I am back from the windy city. I have been expanding my vocabulary every 15 minutes but even I do not have words for how much fun I had. Mom and Dad took almost 200 photos but I don't think we should bore you with all of them now. I am going to pick out some highlights for you now.
This is the Children's Museum by Yia-Yia and Papou's house. We went here a few times. They have an amazing car ramp with build your own cars and tons of cool things to climb on and play in.

Part of being at your grandparents is you get a lot of cake.

A little light reading with dad about Porsches
We went to the Museum of Science and Industry which really should be called "the train museum". I was sure to point out all the trains to every passerby in case they missed them.
I was allowed to climb all over this plane which was a nice change from being strapped into my seat!
One of the near by parks had an awesome water feature. When you pushed buttons on the ground water came shooting up at different times and from different directions. I started off dry...

and got wetter as time went by.
Pretty soon I needed a change of clothes and a chance to dry off in the sun. This was also the moment of me discovering both the Id and the Super Ego. I declared I wanted to sit on the bench "self", mommy had to get down.
Chicago has a wonderful botanical garden which also happens to have a fantastic model train exhibit. This trip was defiantly themed by trains. I had a wonderful afternoon watching all the trains and running from one to the next shouting "TRAINS".
They even had a Thomas train.
All of the scenery was famous places around the country. Everything was made from all natural materials. Here is the curvy street in San Fransisco.
We also had a great visit from uncle Matt for a weekend. He came along to a farm where we enjoyed a beautiful fall day.
You have already seen pictures from my day at the aquarium, but what I forgot to mention was we took the Metra downtown that day. I LOVED riding on the train, but you might have guessed that.
Too keep it interesting we also went to Brookfield Zoo. I liked it a lot, but not so much for the animals. They were cool, but the wide open spaces to run around and paths through the woods were what really made me happy. They even had sticks to play with!

Sometime a long day calls for a nap on the way home. The train is a good place for that.
Just in case you were worried that there wouldn't be enough cars for me to place with.... Uncle Matt's die-casts will never be the same.
Since one Children's Museum wasn't good enough, we also went to the one on Navy Pier. This one had great tools to build with.
and cars to drive
No trip to Chicago would be complete without visiting my uncle Racer. He has a way cool bongo drum he let me wail on.
Then I told him all about the trains you can hear outside his place and how the cars have to wait for the trains. -a concept I am very much interested in-
So there you have it, a recap in pictures of our trip. There are a few more I think I might have to post later, but this gives you a good idea.