It has been cold and fairly blah around these parts lately and I was getting the feeling that something new to mix it up might be well played. I mentioned to Otto that we could go upstairs and do some painting. He took to the idea right away and seemed genuinely excited. Not only was the idea of it exciting to him, he seemed to really enjoy painting as well. I would say it was quite a fun experiment and something we will be doing more of.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Punk Rock
Random Cuteness
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A new era
I have been feeling a bit like I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately but I am inspired by Obama coming into office today so I am going to post some much needed dude shots. Otto and I watched the inauguration together today, I felt he should be a part of this day in history. His favorite part by far was Bush flying off in the helicopter so I think he understood the importance of the moment. He spent most of the rest of the time playing with toys while I tried not to cry too much. I did great until Aretha sang, that kind of pushed me over the top. I am so happy that our kids will grow up with him as their president. With the economy and climate in shambles it can be tough watching children run around knowing they are going to inherit our problems, electing Obama make me think we are heading in the right direction.
So, on to dude photos. These are mostly a recap of the past few weeks. First his Otto wearing the goggles that came with his construction outfit, a christmas present. I think it is the cutest thing when he wears them. Tonight he had his first experience with elastic with them. He pulled them away from his face and let go, you can fill in what happened next. He still likes then though so that is a good sign.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Otto Story
The other night at dinner Otto told me this story very clearly and with great purpose. It was so complete I wrote it down to share with you.
Cootie bug and penguin are friends. and they drink milk
drink water and call it agua. they walk on the sidewalk,
drive a mini cooper and meet daddy. and they reach a
snowman and cootie bug are both stories, interesting.
Yes, so that is what conversation with a 22 month old is like. He had a lot to say and it is quite entertaining. I can't wait until he can tell stories to his new sibling. First time he gets a smile will be a moment not to be missed.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Too funny not to share
As you I am sure all know, Otto is a vicious teether. It is not something he goes about gracefully. I am really looking forward to being done with all of them. All he has left are his top two canines and the 2 year molars, then we are done! Yesterday his top canines seemed like they were really giving him fits and he was quite irritable. Figures, he has only been working on them since well before Christmas... Anyway, at dinner they were really bothering him and he was chewing on the handle end of his fork a lot. It makes me nervous he is going to choke himself when he does that so we were trying to get him to stop. He couldn't seem to be happy without having something to bite on. Trying to help I said, "Otto, would you like me to get you something you CAN bite on to make you teeth feel better?", thinking of a teething toy or something along those lines. To which Otto replied "Yes, maybe a little cake!". I should add, we don't have cake, have not had cake for as long as I can remember and were not talking about cake. He just thought, hey if she is offering, lets see what I can get. He really is hilarious. It sure makes dealing with a crabby toddler easier when they say things like that!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Then and Now
Holiday Catch Up
We started the holidays on a good foot here by making Christmas cookies. Otto caught on to the concept of sprinkles and icing in about 4 seconds flat. I think eric thought I was a bit nuts to let him help so much but he had a blast and the cookies turned out so great. If I had thought to get a picture of them before we ate them all that would have been even better.
Playmobil in all shapes and sizes were defiantly a hit this year. His collection of "guys" is ever growing.
Otto and Grandpop got matching chainmail sweaters knit by grandmom, not cute at all!
After the new year Grandpa Chris and Nonna Jen came to visit. It was gifts and good food all over again. It may have to be a tradition that the holiday festivities last for two weeks, Otto is going to expect it and I have to say I like it quite a bit as well.
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