I would like to start this post off by saying that I seem to take a lot more pictures of Otto than I do of Mette. I am sorry about that, it seems to be a curse of the second child which I was determined not to do. There are two good reasons for my picture taking inequality.
1. Otto is always on the go doing new and exciting things which make you think of taking pictures. Mette pretty much just hangs out.
2. I spend most of my day holding Mette watching Otto do stuff which means I don't even see her that much, in a way.
Regardless I am making a conscience effort to take more pictures of her. Haven't I said that already?
Things are going really well here. It is threatening to actually be spring which would be lovely. We have had day after day of rain and the sun is much needed. We are all starting to feel a bit cooped up. Today was gorgeous and we took full advantage. The next day or so should also be nice and I am very excited.
Mette is continuing to be an adorable baby. I think she is looking more and more like eric these days. She has the chubby checks I have seen in his baby pictures that are quite adorable. She has been pretty mellow these days which is super awesome. She gets hauled around with Otto to playdates many a day and she seems to go with the flow. I am very grateful for that because I need the playdates as much as Otto does and not having to stress over how she will be makes it much easier to get out of the house. I hope it continues like this but I also know she is only 9 weeks old and has plenty of time to come up with her own agendas.
Otto just this past week watched Toy Story 2 for the first time. We skipped the first one as it is a bit scary. He loves the second one though. He likes all the characters though Buzz Lightyear gives him a bit of pause, but mostly he is interested in the Barbies. The GIRLS as he calls them. He cracks me up.
Today at the park Otto and I were playing chasing each other around. There is a little jungle gym thing that has a window that looks a bit like a drive through window. Otto was on one side and I came up to the window and ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, just to see what he would do. He totally got the concept and got me a sandwich. I then asked for milk and he went back in the "store" and got me some milk. I also got cookies and eric got a cheese burger. He plays pretend with his toys by himself and he pretends that he is different people a lot (Kimi, Bob the Builder, Jessie the cowboy etc...) but this was the first time he acted out a scene like that. It was so cute. It showed a complete understanding of a situation that up until then there really wasn't a way to know he got the concept of. Does that make sense? The last few months have really been major growth months for him. He can really interact on so many levels. He is turning into the greatest person. I really enjoy spending my days with him. I hope he thinks the same of me.
Now for the picture portion of our evening:
Here is Mette going for the black and white

My mom got Otto an amazing backhoe, skid loader and Mac truck for the cabin. The giant pile of sawdust outside the shop made a perfect construction site. He was in heaven!

Sometimes you just have to dig in.

While I was nursing Mette, Otto and my mom went on an adventure walk. Here they are returning to the house.

Because grandmoms like to do all the fun stuff my mom made cookies for an afternoon treat. Otto was VERY excited and quite attentive.

Quality control is a very important job.

Here is Otto in Mette's car seat with the rain guard.
He loves it. Figures, he hated it when it was his!

Baby Mette at the Fence! Her first time.

A lovely picture of Otto and I waiting for dinner.

Otto with the all important milkshake. He actually ate a good dinner in addition to his milkshake, we just had to put it in his mouth. He wouldn't take his hands off the milkshake. He would just open his mouth like a little bird and we deposited cheeseburger bites.

Mette was having a hard time going to sleep this evening and finally fell
asleep in eric's arms like this.

Life is good