This summer's trip to Chicago was a complete success. Much fun was had by all. Due to ticket reimbursement fun and games and a general need to get work done, Eric stayed in Lewisburg for a few extra days while the kids and I flew out to Chicago. I will admit I was a bit nervous about flying with both of them by myself, but it was great. They were both super good and I would do it again in a heart beat. Otto has been a fantastic traveler since his second flight so I had high hopes he would do well, and he did. Mette is just so laid back I figured even if she lost it I could handle it. She didn't loose it and in fact they were both charming and sweet.
We arrived in Northbrook on the 4th to celebrate with Yia-Yia, Papou, Uncle Matt, Uncle Ben and Shannon. In addition Dee's brother Jimmy and family came for a cook out. Mette charmed everyone with her adorable dress and huge smiles. Otto was so excited to have two uncles to chase him everywhere and an entire fleet of new cars to play with. He was in hog heaven. Poor Ben and Matt's model cars, they have been played to death by a two year old. Good thing he likes taking them to the shop to repair the missing wheels, axels, door, center counsels etc.. that fall off.

One of the first of our many day trips was to the Museum of Science and Industry. Matt came along and preformed some extreme Otto chasing detail. Otto loved seeing all the model trains, exploring the large passenger plane and running like a crazy man in the main atrium.

This picture snuck in here, but it is a good example of Otto smuggly taking Shannon all to himself. Not surprising many people were kicked out of his bed while reading him stories if he thought Shannon was around and might get in instead.

Here is Matt showing Otto how to use the climbing wall at the Museum of Science and Industry.

Uncle Matt's hat makes a fantastic teething toy. Could be a great marketing idea here.

The room full of bubbles was a major hit with both Otto and Mette.

One of the things we were looking forward to in Chicago was taking Otto in the 911 Turbo. Papou found a carseat that would fit in the back and Eric got to take him for a ride. He only wanted to go faster and was not at all phased by the noise. On the way home (the first ride was to dinner) he had a total meltdown because he wasn't allowed to drive home.

Dinner was sushi, one of Otto's favorites. He liked it so much we went twice in one week. The seaweed salad appetizer is always a big hit. The first time we ordered him the kids sushi plate which he ate, but he wanted eric's more. The second time eric just ordered him his own plate.

A trip to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier was also a big hit. Not too surprising.

Even Mette got to play here.

This is the second night of sushi with his own plate. He LOVES roe so he had some of that, a california roll, some eel, some crab and the egg stuff which I can't remember the name of but it starts with a "t". He ate almost all of this and some of eric's soft shell crab salad.

Papou finally got his wish and had a baby fall asleep with him. Not only did Mette fall asleep with him, she took an hour and a half nap!! She never sleeps for more than 3o minutes usually!! The whole time we were in Chicago she didn't sleep much and spent much of the night singing to us. Cute, but sleeping would be cuter in my opinion. This was a much needed nap.

Much needed by both of them:)

Kristin made it out to the burbs to meet Mette and see Otto for lunch on saturday.

They were having a picnic of cherries in the kitchen.

Hanging at the Maddoch's. We took some great pictures of all of us and Mette here but I have to wait to get the pictures from eric's computer. I also will have more pictures from Papou to post as well.

Pitsa and Craig drove over for dinner in their Porsche one day. Otto was playing in the back while they arrived. He went out front and came running back to eric saying "daddy, daddy, I found a porsche, there's a whole bunch of them now!" Of course then he had to drive it.

We took a couple trips to the botanical gardens to visit the trains and the big fountain. Otto had the best ride in the whole place.

Mette modeling her stylin' new hat and dress.

Nothing beats a good sandbox...

Well, maybe a good place to climb....

No, the fountain is the BEST!

After all the fun we had it was time to head home. Eric went to a conf. downtown on Sunday and flew home via an overnight in Hoboken from there. Otto, Mette and I flew home on monday and met him in Harrisburg. Again the kids were amazing and adorable. Here they are snuggling on the changing pad waiting at the gate to start boarding. Otto thinks it is so funny when Mette tries to grab him and she things he is the coolest thing she has ever seen and wants desperately to touch him. It works out really well.

He even volunteered to share his toys with her. Which of course she just wants to eat.