So one thing that has happened over the last month that both eric and i are really excited about is Otto is really getting into books. He has always liked them, but up until now he has really only wanted to eat them. He still loves a good book snack, but he now also enjoys helping turn pages and listening to you read them. It is so nice to sit and read stories for him. We are still in a mostly board book phase but I can't wait to start with the many piles of fantastic books we have that aren't board books.
On a side not I would like to mention that who ever came up with daylight savings time did not have an eight month old who gets up before 6 as is!! Needless to say this has been a fairly foggy week here. Otto has been bright eyed and bushy tailed starting at 4:45 in the morning. Today we actually got him back to sleep at 6 and he slept until a little after 8! It was so wonderful. I woke up because I had had enough sleep, before Otto. I even took a shower while he was still asleep. That has not happened since he was born. It won't happen again for a very long time, but it was glorious. Between that and the fact that yesterday I swept and mopped the whole downstairs and made dinner for not just last night but tonight as well, I feel like I am on top of the world! It is amazing the things that seem important to me now.
He looks so serious! What a cutie.
I like Eric's PJs!
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