So this past weekend Mom and Dad took me to New York city to see the Christmas Decorations. I keep trying to tell them that I am a city boy at heart, but we always go home after a few days. (-mom, otto is SO wonderful in the city. he naps, laughs, eats well, is generally an awesome traveler, even in the bitter cold.) We saw all of the good sights. Toys R Us in Times Square had lots of fun toys for me to play with, a giant Ferris Wheel inside which is lots of fun to watch and a GIANT dinosaur. I think Daddy liked it as much as I did, if not more. I really liked this helicopter thing someone was flying around more than the dinosaur, just don't tell Dad that. We also went to see the Tree in Rockefeller Center. That was interesting, but I really enjoyed watching everyone ice skating. We also went to FAO Schwartz. That was so cool. The whole ceiling was filled with colored lights, I loved that. Plus there are tons of big stuffed animals that I really enjoyed. Downstairs in the baby room they had some great toys for me to play with as well. (-mom, we found that taking Otto to toy stores was a great way to allow him to get out of the stroller and crawl around. Plus they have new toys that he can play with and the people working there actually like it that he is playing with them. He gets antsy all bundled up for too long so having a warm place where he could get out and move around made the day much nicer for all parties involved.) Whenever I got tired I just took a little nap in my stroller. One time I feel asleep in Times Square and while I slept Mom and Dad went into a hotel lobby and sipped cappuccinos trying to reverse the effects of my 5:30 am wake up time. It was quite civilized. We also went to MOMA which I quite enjoyed. I got to see Monet's Waterlilies which was cool, but the Mondrian's were my favorite. The Picasso's were good too. We were on a search for graphicly interesting paintings. The hallways at MOMA are also a great place to practice walking while pushing my stroller and just crawling around. Dad's friend David Francis was putting on a children's Magic Lantern show on Saturday at MOMA which we went to, the first half anyway. That was fun. Uncle Ben also met us in the city both Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. On Friday while Dad was at a meeting Uncle Ben, Mom and I went to dinner at a Greek restaurant near our hotel. I had my first taste of lamb, YiaYia would be proud, I really liked it. All in all it was a thrill packed weekend that I loved every minute of.

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