So for Christmas eric's mom sent Otto this car that you can use in many different ways. Otto only likes two modes:
1. He sits in it and either eric or I pushes him around the house at break neck speeds, preferably chasing a cat.
2. He stands behind it and pushes it on his own although this requires our help since it is not made for that and without any weight in the front it tips over backwards when he tries to push it.
Well we solved that problem yesterday. Otto's buddy Leo was over for a playdate. Megan put Leo in the car to see if he wanted a ride. Otto immediately came over and started pushing. At first he was on the side and it was hard trying to walk sideways, but he figured it out, went around to the back and the result was adorable. I only got two shots in because eric was home and quickly got out the video camera. He got some great footage of Otto pushing Leo all over the downstairs. It was hilarious! As soon as eric edits the footage I will get that posted, but here are some stills
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