Today we had quite the day. One Monday a month is the day where we have to go and pick up our co-op order. We get bulk things like organic foods that you can't get around here etc.. Since most of my friends also order things we usually have some sort of babysitting exchange that happens. I almost always have to be there when the truck comes since I am usually the collator for the order. This month I did not do the order and did not HAVE to be there. So instead of me dropping Otto off, I took on one of his buddies while Megan went and picked up our orders. This was not how poor Leo thought the day should go down and we had a complete meltdown on his part. I felt so bad for him. Nothing I could do for him was making him happy. Not Johnny and the Sprites, not Sesame Street, not snacks, not books. Not even Otto giving him a hug and patting him, a true sign of love from Otto. It worked out fine, Megan wasn't gone that long and once she was home he recovered well enough to think I was worthy of sharing toys with. Poor little guy. He didn't have a good morning nap which i know with Otto is enough to send him in a downward spiral. We decided the best way to recover was to pack the kids in one car (which means moving car seats) and go out to lunch. Funny how we thought that would be a simple solution. There was a method to our madness, on friday I left Otto's jacket at the restaurant and we needed to retrieve it. We managed a very civilized lunch considering we were eating with 2 one year olds. All in all it was quite lovely. After lunch we headed a little south of town to scope out some land that is for sale for the school we are trying to start. Megan and I are both on the board of directors of a school that has started and is trying to expand in the area. Wow, when you put it like that it really sounds official. Anyway, there was some land to look at outside of town that you needed an SUV to access which made our car the one to choose for the trip. After taking the kids on our adventure we headed home just in time for nap time. Actually both of them fell asleep in the car after lunch. Usually for Otto this means he won't nap anymore, even if he only slept for 5 minutes, but somehow I got him back to sleep when we got home. A small miracle no doubt.
Just to complete our crazy day, after dinner we headed out to our last music class of the season. Since Leo's carseat was still in our car we went together. It was a fun day all round.
So, on with the title... Otto has taken to wiping his hands in his hair while he is eating. Bananas and blueberry muffins seem to work the best. If anyone is looking for a natural hair gel, Otto can help you out. He rocks the look quite well I think...
1 comment:
You did fail to mention your rad off-roading skills!
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