Monday, April 7, 2008


as you all know, it took Otto a long time to get the hang of sleeping. Who would have thought you would need to learn how to do that. Well, he has it down now. His naps are hit and miss right now, sometimes they are very long, sometimes short, sometimes there are two, sometimes one, but he seems to be in a good mood regardless so it is fine by me. However, he has really been sleeping at night. He goes to bed around 7:15 with very little drama. In fact he has almost always gone to bed well, it was staying asleep we had to work on. For a long time he was waking up between 6 and 6:30. That was fine, esp. compared to him waking up at 5 which he did for quite some time. This past weekend and this morning he has slept until 7 or 7:15!! I am sure it won't last, but it is awesome everyday it happens. Eric and I actually get to talk to each other in bed, without one of us having to jump up and change Otto's diaper and get breakfast going. Two of the mornings he woke up at 5:20 and made some noise but was soon calmed down and we were all back to sleep. If that is the price to pay for sleeping in later than I have in years, I'll take it!!

His vocabulary continues to grow. Both eric and I are convinced that he started pointing to things this weekend and saying "what is it?". That sure is what it sounds like at least. He also discovered this morning that he really likes marmalade, my kind of boy! It is best if you lick it off you toast before eating the toast. Of course.

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