By now I am sure you are all well aware of how obsessed I am with cars. Both the life size ones and matchbox sized ones. I especially like the matchbox cars for the movie CARS since they have faces which I really like. Up until two days ago I had never seen or heard of the movie, I just liked the way the cars looked. Well one of mom's friends son seems to have outgrown his love of CARS matchbox cars and very kindly brought over this past weekend the greatest thing EVER. He gave me a carrying case full of cars that itself is a racetrack. I added 12 new cars to my collection and a racetrack all in one fell swoop. It is fabulous. I know them all my type already and am constantly keeping mom on her toes by wanting to know where certain ones are at every minute. I don't go anywhere without a few of them in my possession. I eat with them, take baths with them, walk with them, even sleep with them. They have become a constant in my life. As you have seen from pictures in the past, I have no problem with getting dirty, and staying dirty. However I am proving to be my father's child because every time one of my cars gets dirty I need to bring it to mom or dad to have it detailed. Good thing they are always around to help my keep them clean.
I am sure that it is just because Otto is our child, and our first at that, but he has been really amazing lately. He has on a couple occasions now correctly identified numbers by sight. He gets a bit thrown by 3,6,8 I think because they are all round, but he has 4 and 7 down pat. When we spell things now so he won't know what we are saying he says "a b c's". I wonder how long until he can understand what we are spelling.
We also may have created a monster. Every morning eric makes a cappuccino for himself and an americano for me. Sometimes he tops my espresso with a bit of foam. Once in a while Otto would want a taste of my foam so I would give him a bit that did not have any coffee on it. He really liked it so eric started giving a small bowl with some steamed milk and a spoon. He now requests "steamed milk please". When you ask him if he wants milk to drink he says "yes, steamed milk". Great... now what!
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