So I would love to write a long post about how wonderful it is that Otto is 2 and how much he has changed and grown over the past year, but I can't. Not that I don't know what to say, but I have been working on getting time to do this post for two days and I have only managed to get the photos uploaded before someone needs something. So here are some great photos of his fun filled weekend with Ben, Shannon, Matt, Grandmom, Grandpa, GrandmaBah and his parents. Dear Mette chose to sleep through most of the excitement. How awesome is that!!??
Shannon with the little bundle of joy.
Running full speed ahead in his official Ferrari drivers suit from GrandmaBah
Driving what he calls a Ferrari from YiaYia and Papou
The Thomas cake....
true love
Keep this photo, possible the only shot of the four of us you will see. Seems we only ever have pictures of Otto, sometimes with one of us in them. This is a keeper.
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