Somehow, and to be totally honest, I have no idea how, Mette is 3 months old. In fact 3 months and one week. It has taken me a full week to come to grips with the concept before I could post about it. How did this happen? How is the BABY 3 months old? I remember thinking we would never get to 12 weeks with Otto and it has flown by with Mette. I know everyone says it goes by so fast, but I think it is happening even faster with Mette. I think there is something about knowing that each phase will be the last time we go through this phase (we are done at 2) that makes me enjoy each moment more. Even the fussy moments.
Speaking of fussy moments, Mette is really starting to chill out. She was never as fussy as Otto but she gave him a run for his money a few days there. But, like the books all say, which with Otto I thought was hogwash, at 3 months she is starting to sort things out. She really is starting to like just checking out the world. She really likes being in the dream meadow and looking up at toys or just having time to chew on her fists and stare at the ceiling. Girl loves her some white ceiling! She is even big enough now to enjoy the wonders of the exorcist, one of Otto's favorite toys. Photos of that to follow. She still has some reflux issues from time to time, but a bland diet for me seems to be helping. Maybe next week I will start adding real food and we will see how that works. Her teeth also give her fits from time to time, but that is certainly understandable. She is also continuing to sleep well.
I have decided writing about sleep here won't jinx it because this acts like my kid diary and how else will I remember what is going on. During the day it is still pretty hard to predict. She mainly just cat naps here and there. Sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes an hour. It is hard to call. That will come with time, it is the nights where she really figures it out. We go upstairs to nurse and rock a little after 6:30 and by 7:30 she is usually asleep. Last night it took longer and it wasn't until after 8 that she was really sleeping but that is rare. Then she usually sleeps until 11:30 or 12:30ish. Last night she slept until 1:45. Then she gets up around 3 or 4 to nurse and goes right back to sleep. She then wakes up around 5:30 or 6. If it is before 6 sometimes I can nurse her and get her back to sleep. Last night she only woke up at 1:45, then slept until 6 when she nursed and slept in the bed with me until 7. It was glorious and if she wanted to do that all the time it would be fine by me. Oh yeah, did I mention, she is doing all of this sleeping in the crib. I know, crazy!! Who know little babies could sleep in their cribs? So now that I have told you I fully expect to be up all night, but if I don't record it here, where will I?
So in addition to Mette hitting the 3 month mark we also took a trip to Hoboken and NYC last week. We were able to see a bit of Uncle Ben and Shannon before they headed out of town to a wedding and we crashed their place. Hopefully next time we can see more of them. We had an absolute blast. Otto had a great time exploring the city and riding on the subway, and Mette seemed to enjoy the view. We took them to Brooklyn to the children's museum there for an afternoon of fun. Otto had so much fun he completely wore himself out. On the way home on the C train he seemed a little tired and eric said he could close his eyes (he was in the stoller). With that he promptly fell asleep. He fell so dead asleep he stayed asleep while we carried him up stairs, through train stations, through downtown Manhattan, into a Dunkin Donuts where Mette nursed, down into the Path station and into Hoboken where he woke up as we exited the elevator to ground level. It was amazing.
We also got stuck in a torrential down pour the previous afternoon in Hoboken while trying to go to the park. Luckily there just happened to be a cupcake only store around the corner. Guess where we went? Life is good.
Here is Mette in the ever famous exorcist.
Mette and her chins rule the world
Chillin' with Uncle Ben
Otto on the subway, he loved it, not too surprising
Napping on the subway
Otto overjoyed at all the things to play with at the museum
Mette has graduated to being able to ride in the big stroller when Otto is otherwise occupied
Mother's Day
For Mother's day we headed down to see my grandmother, my mom and her sister MaryAnn, the moms in my family. We took quite a good number of photos before we left, this is the best one....
Great-grandmother Hope and Baby Mette Hope
Great-Grandmother Hope, MaryAnn, me, my mom Hope and Otto
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