We have been taking some impromptu day trips this week. The first was a trip to Chocolate World at Hershey Park and the Wittaker Center children's museum in Harrisburg. I don't have any pictures from Chocolate World because it took all my concentration to keep Otto next to me. We just went and rode the tram ride where you get to see how chocolate is made. I was glad to see that not much has changed since I was a kid other than the fact the the annoying chocolate world song that would always get stuck in your head has been much improved. Our idea was just to hit the children's museum but for some strange reason it doesn't open until 11 and since our kids were up a little after 5, that seemed like forever away. Chocolate World opens at a much more sane hour of 9:30 so we stopped there first. Otto really like the tram ride and the trolleys they had parked outside.
I got some great shots of Mette chillin' in the obstacle course checking out the giant mobile they had hanging from the ceiling.
Otto in the tunnel
There were some really nice older kids that Otto had a great time playing with.
How to make Mette look dainty.....
Photograph her next to Reese who is a mere 6 weeks older but MUCH bigger. That is saying something too because Mette is bigger than Otto was at this age. In fact today she is wearing an outfit that he wore in October. This was Mette's portion of playgroup last week. He didn't move the entire time while Mette just about squirmed off the blanket from kicking her legs while smiling so much!
This was an attempt at a group shot. We took a ton of pictures and some of the kids are looking at the camera in each one.
Otto and Freya riding the tricycle together.
we took what is sure to be the first of many day trips to Knoebels last week as well. It was a perfect day to go. School is still in session so it was quite empty. Otto didn't have to wait to get on any rides. Last year when we went he was a bit unsure of the rides and going on them himself but this year there was no hesitation. He had such a blast and was so well behaved.
Mette was very good and enjoyed hanging out in her stroller and watching the world go by.

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