It feels life forever since I have posted. I can't really say that I have been super busy with big events, but I still haven't found the time lately to get pictures uploaded and come up with clever things to say about them. One excuse is Mette is working on some teeth big time. It has made her somewhat good sleeping turn into not good at all sleeping and because of that I have been pretty tired. I pretty much just go to bed in the evenings without getting anything done post kid bedtime. We have also been trying to continue to take advantage of all the yummy food this time of year has to offer which is great, but it means much of my blogging time has been spent cooking. That or playing outside in the beautiful weather we have been having.
Here is Otto enjoying some corn fresh from the farm earlier this week.

Starting last week Otto has been showing real interest in the potty. At first he only was pooping on the potty. Mainly I think because physically he knows better when that is going to happen and could make it to the potty faster. Since he was doing so well with that I thought we could try for the whole shabang. He can't tell when he is peeing in the diapers since they are too absorbent. I tried some cloth training pants but he didn't like those at all. Being naked seemed to work the best. That way he can see when he is peeing and is starting to make the connection. To help keep him excited about the whole process we went to Target and picked out some big boy underware. He got Thomas, CARS, and some other misc. characters. He really seems to like them a lot and is doing great. Knock on wood. So far today he hasn't had an accident!!
The designs on the underware are on the back since that is where the most real estate is. He likes looking at them before he puts them on, but can't see the pictures once they are on. These shots are of him checking out his new duds and trying to see the picture on the back. I will say it is taking a lot to resist taking photos of him sitting on the potty playing the spelling game on the iPod Touch. That is his favorite way to pass the time, or reading books.

Last but not least, Mette. Not only is she working on teeth, she is also starting to get up on all fours. I have been trying to get a good shot of her up and rocking but I don't have one yet. This gives you an idea of what is to come. Looks like I am going to have a busy fall as well!!

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