The Scene
On the third floor playing this morning. Otto is about to carry a very large tow truck downstairs.
The Pottery Barn Kids catalog came today and they must have just gotten the rights to BARBIE. The cover and first two pages are all BARBIE rooms and little girls holding dolls. Otto took one look at the catalog, needed to have it and said "that's BARBIE". He then went and got his Barbie and had to hold her while he looked at the pictures. I like the way he carries her by her ankles over his shoulder best.
Mom: Otto, I think that tow truck is too big to take downstairs.
Otto: (looking down to the tow truck) I'm sorry tow truck. It's ok, I'll play with you a little more. (he carries him off to play a little more) (still talking to the tow truck) You have a good day. I'll see you later.
You know it's going to be a good day when this is how it starts!!
We did in fact have a good day. We were all dressed and out of the house by 9 (!). I wanted to get out the door before Mette took her morning nap so she would sleep in the stroller and we could take advantage of the crisp (50's) morning we had. It worked like a charm, she was out not long into the stroll and Otto and I cruised BU on our way to a friend's house. We played there for a little then headed home for lunch which we ate while running in the yard. Well, really, I ate lunch sitting on the back steps and Otto ran over every few moments for a bite. Some days this seems like the easiest way to have lunch. He is happy and since I tend to make very little mess while eating, most of the time, it is quite a quick clean up. Both kids blessed me with a nap which is a rare and glorious occasion. They both usually nap in the afternoon but rarely at the same time and Mette rarely for more than 30 minutes. Otto was down for almost 3 hours and Mette for about an hour. It was lovely. I wasted the whole time doing nothing and am not ashamed at all. All in all is was a lovely day. We even got in a second walk with eric once he got home from work. The weather is too nice right now not to get out as much as possible.
But really the best parts of today are best shown below. I ordered a hair clip for Mette on Etsy mainly because I wanted to see how it was made so I can make more myself, and because HOLY CRAP they are cute! It came today and WOW. It is proof positive that Mette has eric's hair is this would have lasted less than 30 seconds in my hair. It stayed in until I took it out. In the first picture you can kind of see her two bottom teeth.
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