If I didn't think Otto and Mette were cute before, I sure do now. Today after lunch they spent a good 20 minutes playing together without me having to intervene at all. They were hiding in and amongst the kitchen chairs for a while. Otto was pretending to be a fireman and rescue all of us while sliding down the kitchen chairs like they were firemen poles. Then they moved into the dining room where Otto followed Mette everywhere much to her delight. He was crawling right alongside her and talking to her the whole time. She was in seventh heaven. He would get toys to show her and she would chew on them, it was perfect. He even played in his cardboard train which makes her belly laugh. There is something about seeing him in the train that she thinks is really funny. He thinks the reaction he gets out of her is the best thing ever.
Mette got so dirty climbing all over the place (really, I had JUST cleaned) that I put her in new clothes for her nap. Well, new jammies, but really when you are just little does it really matter? During dinner,while wearing her second jammie outfit of the day she managed to get ahold of the bowl, the only part of eating she is really interested in, and do some serious damage.

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