Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today while getting dressed and trying to keep Mette from walking into disaster (did I mention she is totally walking everywhere now?) I heard this out of Otto's mouth...
"I am going to tie up Nurkel"

To be honest I ignored him. For one, I really did not think there was anyway Otto would be capable of conning Nurkel into staying still long enough to be tied up. Second, never have I ever seen Otto successfully tie anything up. I focused on the task at hand, no head injuries for Mette and pants for me.

While attempting to get the children out the door and off to playgroup Eric said to me, "did you do that to Nurkel?" At this point I looked and saw this...

She was sporting two of my hairbands wrapped around her abdomen. How Otto managed this is beyond me. I didn't take the time to get a better picture because by the time I saw her it had been at LEAST a half an hour since I had hear Otto say he was going to tie her up.

For the record, she seemed totally oblivious to the whole situation. She is sure changing in her older cat ways. She is even taking to sleeping on our bed at night. And not just ON the bed, she likes to sleep UNDER the covers snuggled between eric and I. For now it is kind of nice. Eric is pretty sick, we are working on what is wrong, and is losing weight faster than an undergrad before spring break. This is making him colder than he usually is. I have been going to bed with him after Otto goes to bed just to make heat in the bed. Having Nurkel under the covers helps that much more. I am not getting much done in the evenings other than reading books, but it is kind of nice. It would be really cozy if poor eric felt better.

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