Things are continuing to move along here in the land of birthdays. Mette celebrated turning one with the ever popular trip to the doctor for a well baby visit. She is healthy and on schedule you will all be shocked to know. She was 20 lbs on the nose and 29.5 inches long. She is a full two inches shorter than Otto was at this age which explains a bit why I think she looks so small walking around the house. That and I now have Otto who gets taller everyday to see in contrast to her. She passed all of the developmental milestones with flying colors. When I talked to the doctor about her eating, or lack there of she didn't seem to concerned. She said since she is obviously thriving, as long as I was ok continuing to nurse her she would be perfectly healthy. I am fine with nursing her for a while longer, however I will admit that if she started to eat more I would also be quite fine with that. I have a friend whose son didn't eat any food until he was 1 but self weaned at 18 months so there is hope. She did get 5 shots which was as you can imagine not very much fun. Normally she wouldn't have had 5 but she needed the second half of her flu shot and the changed the Hep. B schedule so to stay on track with that there was an additional shot. I thought for sure she was going to be miserable for days. In addition to the flu shot which makes you cranky she also got the chicken pox vaccine which can make kids not feel well. She was very much in need of tylenol for the rest of the day and that evening, but by the next day she seemed to be feeling fine. Amazing because I can't say the same for myself if I had that many shots.
Today Rachel and her boy walked over here with the small one pushing his baby stroller carrying muffins from the local coffee shop. Mette was very taken with the stroller. We put her doll in the stroller and she pushed it all around the dining/living room. I think this spring when the yard sale season starts I will be keeping an eye out for one of these. It was too cute. Otto also used it to carry around some matchbox cars but I wasn't fast enough with the camera to catch him in action.

It is hard work pushing babies around!

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