Two weeks ago at Belinda's house we discovered that Mette loves to paint. I haven't done much painting with the kids at home because last time I tried all Mette wanted to do was eat the paint. Since learning she now actually paints and doesn't eat it I was anxious to try again at home. We were out of washable paint so this morning we walked downtown to the art store and stocked up on new paint and brushes. It was a huge hit!

Mette managed to get an equal amount of paint on her body and paper.

At 11:00 this morning she got a bath.

I just finished scrubbing the pink out of the tub.

The whole process was a lot of fun and I know we will be doing it a lot this summer. Next time i am going to fill up the baby pool first so I can just scrub her off in the pool.
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That picture of a paint covered Mette is truly priceless!!
she is still red in places, I couldn't get it all off without scrubbing off her skin too! That girl LOVES to paint.
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