During our recent trip to visit family in Chicago Mette fell in love, big time. It all started innocently enough, a small crush you might say. One day after waking up from her nap she looked up to the top of the bookcase in the room where we stay and saw a stuffed mama gorilla holding a baby gorilla. Mun-key, Mun-Key she shouted full of glee. It took me a while to see what she was looking at, but once I saw the stuffed animal I got it. While there are many things that are off limits to little person's hands when visiting grandparent's houses, a stuffed animal in the room where we stay seemed like it might be ok for her to play with. I got it down for her and she held on to it the whole way downstairs while proclaiming Mun-key!!! I checked with the powers that be, namely Yiayia and Papou and it was determined that the mun-key could stay with the girl. Good thing because it would have been a tearful break-up I'm afraid. Since that afternoon when she is getting tired or you speak of bed instead of just asking for Bibi (her word for her blankie which sounds an awful lot like baby, which means doll, which is very confusing) she also asks for Mun-Key. Every time we sit down to nurse before bed she holds her Bibi and now she needs Mun-Key as well. It is starting to get a bit crowded in the glider chair.
Really though, how can you resist something as cute as this?

Welcome to the family Mun-Key, I have a feeling you are here to stay.
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that is such a precious picture, how cute can you get?
That is seriously the MOST adorable picture ever! I LOVE it!
I am so glad it turned out well, always a little scary taking pictures when they are sleeping for fear of waking them up!
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