Now that we have all recovered from the firm grasp of nausea and all that goes with it the temperatures have plunged to the negative numbers. Cold, even for a winter lover like myself. This morning it was a whopping 1 degree, at half past nine. I am all for taking the kids out in cold weather, with the decree that "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing" but even I couldn't muster the strength to get us out today. Just to prove how cold it is, you will see in the following photos that otto is actually wearing slippers. Otto, the kid who doesn't admit he is cold when he is trembling with blue lips. He has also taken to sitting on the heat vents under chairs like a cat. So, yeah, it is cold. So, Belinda and Rachel, with your sunny weather, while i miss you both dearly, you don't want to come back just yet!
What do you when it is too cold to go out and the small folk in your group are LITERALLY (did I mention I can't wait for preschool tomorrow?) bouncing off the walls?
You crank up that new heat on the third floor and have a dance party. Today we were kicking it to Duran Duran, Girls on Film. When otto asked who they were I told him they were a band from the 80's. To which he replied, "what is the 80's?". When i told it was a time period twenty years ago he gasped and said "oh my gosh, that was before the dinosaurs!!!". No, but you are making it feel that way.
***Disclaimer**** I would like to say, that while i seem to do this all the time, with every member of our family, i did not mean to dress the kids in matching jammies. However, once i realized what I did, i knew i had to bust out the camera.
Rad moves:

This also qualifies for the promised third floor rubber playroom photo series i promised. Complete with chalkboard wall as seen here.

While the third floor was lovely escape today, i am very much looking forward to school tomorrow, playgroup on Wednesday and getting out of the house in general.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
1 comment:
The kids are adorable, but I must admit I was also kind of hoping for some pictures of the heaters.
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