In response to eric's comment about all the chatter and no photos, I will provide only limited captions here. What follows are some highlights of 2011, so far.
Mette found a pair of flip flops she got a gift and insisted on wearing them around the house. The photo is blurry because she DOES NOT STOP MOVING EVER some days. She is also sporting her outfit of choice, undershirt and undies. It works well with the flip flops, very summery. The only draw back being our house is a very chilly 66 degrees, which does not seem to phase her at all.

I could do an entire post of photos taken at Otto's request of him posing with Star Wars toys.

Before we headed off to Philly last weekend I deep cleaned the house so it would be nice when we returned. This included clean sheets for everyone's beds. The kids hear me putting clean sheets on our bed and they come out of the wood work to roll around on the bed and mess it up.

The sheets by the way were a Christmas gift from me to eric. He is always cold so I broke down and got flannel sheets (I was worried I would be too hot) for the bed. They are actually really great. I made the duvet cover out of a flat sheet from another set and the flat sheet from this set. It is white cotton on one side and the snowflake flannel on the other. It is very cute and a simple winter pattern.

While wondering the Alice in Wonderland exhibit at the Please Touch Museum Otto was on the look out for Alice.

He was so excited when he found her. He wanted to stay and hang out with her for a while.

Otto REALLY, REALLY loves dress-up. He goes through about 6 outfit changes everyday as he imagines he is someone else. Vests for Han Solo, cape (hooded towel) for Jedi Master, cooking apron for Darth Vader, drivers suit for race car driver or astronaut and countless others. I spend the majority of my daily mental power remembering who he and Mette are at any given moment.
He was the only kid there who was putting on the gear and he had it all on, the shirt, the goggles, the gloves and the tool belt.

Mette found a small space with a bed and needed to pretend to be sleeping and waking up for a long time!

Getting Otto out of this outfit was much harder than getting him in it.


The very serious scientist.

Mette had a great time at the baby shower but the highlight was likely the chocolate covered oreo I let her eat in a total bribe to keep her in the highchair longer.

This year is off to a good start.
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