Today we recieved the great news that this time next year we will be living in London. We will be there for the entire spring semester of 2012. The official reason we are going is for Eric to teach a group of students he takes for a study abroad program but really this is just an amazing opportunity to live in an exciting city on someone else's tab! I am pretty sure "preschool at the British National Museum" will knock the socks off what the burg has to offer. It will be sad to be far from our wonderful friends here, but we are very much looking forward to the new adventure.
I am totally psyched about London, but I will be honest, the fact that we will be SO close to Denmark is what really has me excited. I see a sumer cottage on the beach near Kobenhagen and a trip to the REAL Legoland with Otto in our future.
Let the google maps "street view London stalking" commence.
Wow, if I could be any more jealous it would be totally illegal. What priceless memories you get to make. Have tons of fun and be safe!
I am sooo envious! Someday I need to finish my PhD just so I can get a "real" teaching job and use it as an excuse to live abroad for awhile. You better keep blogging from London!
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