There has been a lot of talk of Otto here these days. It always seems to work in ebbs and flows. For a while Mette takes the stage, then Otto, back and forth. It feels like Mette is up for some news.
Mette, what to say about her? She is crazy. Like, really crazy. Shake your head and wonder if it is all going to work out ok crazy. It is, I think. I hope. No, it will.
They say that one of the reasons they call two the "terrible two's" is because children have the same hormonal swings that puberty will bestow on them later in life. This is SO true with Mette. You can literally watch the emotions and hormones course through her veins. She is sweet as pie, funny and charming one second, then screaming, crying and PISSED the next. Despite the fact that she has been talking in complete sentences for almost a year, these fits of rage leave her unable to form words let alone sentences.
She asks for a drink, juice to be exact.
You give her the juice.
She takes a sip and likes it.
She takes a second sip, decides it is poison and screams bloody murder with real tears and extreme angst until you are able to get it out of her that, in fact, she would like a straw, please.
"oh, thank you" and the moment has passed.
She is totally over it and you are left trembling with adreniline from trying to fix or deal or ignore the problem (all depends on how far into the day we are).
This goes on from 7 a.m. until late into the evening. Every day. So yeah, she is one of the funniest kids to be around and she is beyond cute. Doing and saying things that crack you up and melt your heart numerous times a day. But that is because otherwise she would be in the alley with a free sign around her neck. I am kidding, sort of. Like my mom always says, babies are cute for a reason. Otherwise we would never keep them!!
Here are some of the reasons she is still around:
Sporting a Jem wig at Leo's house

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