To be fair, it is only Mette who isn't sleeping. Otto is still a champ in that department. Mette is still holding strong with the whole "I don't take naps anymore" routine, so we are countering with the "we will run you ragged and you WILL sleep" approach.
These first two photos are actually from a few weeks ago, but they are too cute not to add.
From now on, car carts are the way to go. Luckily they both LOVE them!!
We are fortunate to have a University which kindly supplies us with a Field House where we can take the kids and run them hard regardless of the weather outside. Racquet ball courts are fantastic for kids. They can hit the ball anywhere they want and not break anything and there is a door to keep them in. Genius!

Otto is actually getting much better at hitting the ball back to eric. All of the sudden he started making contact with the ball.

Mette ran in circles for a long time, then decided to rummage through my bag and found the tissues. Tissues are like empty boxes, hours of fascination.
While it is at times tempting, I promise we don't just line them up and beam them with frisbees.
Otto is getting pretty good at throwing the frisbee. Catching it is still a bit scary, but he gets some great throws in.
So much that he was all sweaty and had to relax with some water.
Better check out your knees. Otto falls full speed on his knees all day long. They are one big bruise. It hurts just thinking about it.
Today was crazy beautiful. We were outside from 11:45 this morning on.
We had lunch at a place just outside of town with lots of room for the kids to play and explore after lunch.

Today was one of those crazy light spilling from the sky, every tree and flower is blooming isn't life amazing kind of days.

To top it all off, I took Mette to the doctor so they could tell me I was paranoid and crazy but yes, they could look in her ears again. Wouldn't you know she has a double ear infection!!! Now they are putting her on an old school medicine for 20(!) days three times a day. Aren't you jealous. The appointment with the ENT can't some soon enough.
Like I said about the door.... Remember to close it all the way!

Power Shot

Complete with bunnies
and chickens.
I know that being a full time mom is not easy. But wow, what a wonderful day this was.
I agree, I have had many other jobs that were far harder, but I am willing to bet there was a long line of people who would have switched with me yesterday, and today for that matter! Pretty fantastic!
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