Thursday, April 3, 2008

Planes, Trains and Trucks

Otto officially has his first obsession. I think it really boils down to a love of wheels and loud noises. He comes by that quite honestly from his dad's side of the family. Lately all he wants to do is look at truck and train books over and over and over and over again. We have been hitting up the library for all their good book on the subject. It is so funny. They really are just pictures of trucks and trains with a poor excuse for narrative, but he loves them and wants to read them all the time. I don't mind at all, reading books together is one of my favorite pass times, I just think the lack of any part to read is kind of funny. He doesn't really have any truck toys so I ordered him two trucks which should arrive next week. Tonka is celebrating 60 years and have reissued wooden trucks. Couldn't resist them so they are on the way. A few weeks ago at IKEA we got him a small train set. The kind where the trains link together with magnets. He loves them. If you ask him where his trains are he is off and running to find one. Not a hard task since it seems like no matter where I look lately there is one in sight. I guess I should get used to that, I have a feeling it will be like that for a while.
He knows the sign for airplane which he does every time he hears one. The other morning he heard one while eating breakfast and he was signing away telling us all about it.
Yesterday we went to the park and there was a little boy who was older but had brought all these cool trucks to play with in the mulch. Otto was in heaven. I am not sure the other little boy was as pleased that Otto was obsessing over his trucks, and carrying them around. I made sure to thank him a whole lot. Fortunately I knew the mom from the restaurant and she was happy to share the trucks. He even had a front loader that you could sit on and dig with that when you pressed a button made a big truck noise. He got off it for one second which was all it took for Otto to climb up on. He made sure not to do that again. Not surprising Otto thought that was the coolest thing ever.
He also made a great discovery at the park. Over by the mud pit there are small rocks just the right size to bring to Mommy. Lucky me. He has mastered climbing up the small ladder and going down one of the slides on his own. How did it happen that he is growing up so fast?!

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