Monday, April 14, 2008

Wow, what a weekend

This was one thrill packed and adventure filled weekend here. Saturday was one of the most beautiful days we have had yet, scratch that, THE most beautiful we have had yet. We started with an early morning jaunt to the bakery to get croissants, every other weekend you can feel civilized here in the burg. Once we had all stuffed ourselves full, including Otto, he squeals at the mere sight of them (my kind of boy!) we loaded Otto into the carseat and then loaded the rest of the car with recycling and yard brush to take to the recycling center. Two car trips later and one happy dude who got to run around stomping in puddles and picking up rocks and it was nap time. Nothing like getting all that done before 10. While Otto took a long nap eric worked and I dug up some stumps in the yard and transplanted flowers. I have been really working hard to get the yard looking good and it is really starting to come together.
When Otto woke up we had lunch and headed out to the big rubber park. It was packed with kids and Otto had a blast. He is getting so good at climbing on all the equipment and going down slides. In just a few weeks he is really making that park his own. There were also huge puddles with ducks everywhere which is a huge draw for the Dude. We managed to keep him fairly dry. After the park we hit up the grocery store to get stuff to grill out for the first time of the year. Otto went down for a nap shortly after we got home and I set to getting the grill ready and cleaning the outdoor tables and chairs. He took such a long nap I even got to sit in the sun a read a book for a little.
We got woke up it was time to hit the coffee shop for a little nap in a cup for mom and dad and we were off to campus to take advantage of the sun and big open spaces for Otto to run around in. The Quad was a huge hit, there were even balloons left over from some event that weekend, score! We headed home to fire up the grill and enjoy our first alfresco dining of the year. All in all it was a big day.
Sunday the weather wasn't as nice. Eric and Otto went for a walk in the morning while I hit up the hardware store for project supplies. This week I scraped and spackled the bathroom ceiling, it was time to sand, prime and paint. Eric and Otto had boy time while I kicked the bathroom into shape. I had some help from some students who like some extra cash, they sanded the ceiling, a job I was happy to farm out! I finished the bathroom, all but a few touch-up spots and scrubbing the floor after Otto went to bed last night. Today I am not doing much of anything. Not even laundry. I am watching one of Otto's friends this afternoon which will be fun, but I am taking the day off after such a big weekend. Plus my arms are so sore from digging up those stumps that I don't think I could carry the laundry down to the basement anyway!
The weather this week is supposed to be beautiful so hopefully we will get to spend most of it outside. Otto really loves playing outside, who wouldn't!

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