Friday, January 29, 2010


Today when making my naptime cappuccino I made too much frothed milk (whole). Since Otto was napping I couldn't share it with him. I decided to make it into hot chocolate and had it along with my cappuccino and cashews. It is snacks like this that are going to have to change if and when Mette ever stops nursing 6-8 times a day and starts eating more food.
On that note, both last night and today at lunch she ate more than one bite of mac and cheese. I would even go so far as to say that today she ate a "serving" worth. I put that in quotes becasause at this point I have no idea what a serving for someone her size is. I will say though that it was one of the best batches of mac and cheese I have made in a long time. I made it with heavy cream, cave aged gruyere, sharp cheddar and sour cream so how could it be bad. Hmmm, this is sounding like another snack I may want to ease up on. For dinner last night we all had mac and cheese with the delish tomato sauce I mentioned earlier and guacamole. Not low cal my any stretch but SO yummy!!

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