Monday, February 1, 2010


Weekends are fun. Daddy is home and we get to do exciting things, like play in storage bins and eat dinosaurs. Well, special weekends that is. This was a good weekend for getting stuff done, for me at least, and capturing some great shots of the kids. On Saturday Rachel and I spent the entire afternoon at the fabric store looking at patterns and getting material. It was awesome. The children stayed home with eric and nathan and we were FREE! We both came home with piles of things to make. Very exciting. I got some great material for dresses for Mette, skirts for me and pants and shirts for Otto. The only problem now is I just want to lock myself in the sewing room and play and there are things to do like, cook, clean, take care of children... I did however manage to make two pairs of pants for Otto. The second pair I even made with my own pattern. I took the pattern I bought and used to make a pair of pants and adapted it to fit more like a pair of pants he already has that I love. They came out fantastic and now I want to make a bunch more. I am also going to try my hand at making him some shirts. He is growing out of clothes like crazy right now so it is a good time to get in gear. I have pics of the first pair of pants I made but will have to wait until he wears the second pair again to get pics of them. Both kids have a bit of a snotty nose at the moment so we tried to stay close to home this weekend to give them a chance to get better. They seem to be fine today though still a bit snotty. Mette has a molar that is JUST about to cut through. As a result she is a bit cranky and very clingy. I am really hoping it cuts through in the next day or so as she does not seem to like it at all. And who can blame her!

Otto fits perfectly. I can just keep him like this and he won't grow any more, right!

"No Mama, TAKE the dinosaur!"
She totally figured out how to get on and ride this bike in no time at all. It was Otto's and he outgrew it so I put it away. I just brought it out for Mette a few days ago. She likes it, but Otto loves it. He rides it all over. That is really when Mette wants it most, when Otto is riding it.
Otto has also mastered balancing on his "motorcycle" as he calls it. He was riding so much all over the house this weekend I moved the dining room table out of his way. He can start in the kitchen by the fridge and go all the fast the couch and has his feet up most of the way. Once it gets warm he is going to tear up the alleys and the parks on this bike. Should be a lot of fun.
Otto's monster pants I made him. He really wants to read the names of the monsters so I put the pattern upside down. This way he isn't twisted around trying to read the letters.

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