... that is how many days Otto has been charming us up.
Otto, one month

Three. Wow. I am at a loss for words. Last year when Otto turned two it seemed huge and amazing, but somehow a logical progression from one. I don't feel that way about three. Three is little boy, not toddler and certainly not a baby. And, Otto really is a little boy now. He carries on REAL conversations with you, most of the time. There are of course the long and very detailed conversations about ferraris, Wingo, diggers, the broomies (snow sidewalk sweeping machines at the University) sandwiches and his shoes all at once where I get a bit lost, but for the most part he usually has a topic and things to talk about. You can even reason with him. As much as one can reason with a person under the age of, let's say 20. It is not unlike negotiating with a terrorist cell, but if you are willing to make deals, results can be found. Earlier this week after dinner Otto and I went to the grocery store just the two of us while Mette got a bath from dad. The whole way there we both were singing along to the Cars soundtrack in the car. At the store he walked with me the whole time talking about all the cool things we saw. We visited the lobsters, checked on the fruit and looked for but didn't find any Cadbury Creme eggs. It was a great little trip, and the first time in a while that Otto and I had been out doing something together just the two of us. It was really nice. It was very sweet, while in the produce section he all of the sudden turned around and said "where is Mette?" It's true, we don't ever go anywhere without her and it was sweet to see he noticed she was missing. He is a really great kid. He does really care about other people. Even if his way of caring is having so much emotion at times that it all comes out as screaming. The screaming could go away tomorrow and I would not miss it one bit but more and more I realize it is just all his emotion that he is learning how to handle. It is getting better and will continue to, but wow, it can be intense. Intense, that is a good way to describe Otto. He is intense in many ways. Very funny, very talkative, very serious about things he is interested in. When he is engaged playing with something, very little can distract him. He has whole worlds of imaginative play. I love listening to him play with his matchbox cars. They go on playdates, he gets them drinks and snacks, they take naps. He plays with them almost the way you would think a girl would play with dolls. Clearly young minds go through roll play as a way of understanding and exploring the routines they live in. He does that through his cars. He has SO MANY cars and knows them all by make and model and for the most part where there all are at a given moment. That is not to say I don't spend a fair amount of everyday looking for (insert car name here). He lines them all up for races or parades often categorizing them by make, or color or interest. They really are a whole world for him which is fascinating to watch. It is no surprise that Mette is very interested in them since he makes them look so interesting. He is more understanding than I would be when she messes up his lines of cars and tries to take everyone he is holding. He will often go and get one he is not playing with at the moment and offer her that one. For now that works and she is happy. He seems genuinely excited when she says his name. Now that she can say it she walks around the house calling for him when she can't find him. It is very cute. He loves getting her to laugh and is very good at it. They are even starting to play chase which will be the greatest thing ever when it happens. Now that she is devouring books (more on that later) he is enjoying reading a lot of his baby books again. I think he really likes showing them to Mette.
Still, when I look back on this year it is amazing. His face is changing into such a young boys face. He so much more of his own person and less an extension of me. It is wonderful to watch, but of course I miss when he was little enough to hold with one hand. This past year has been one of many accomplishments and I am very much looking forward all that this next year has in store for us. Though I am not at all ready for him to be four!!
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