Ok, so slowest and lamest mom blogger award goes to me this past week and a half. Things were such a whirlwind leading up to Otto's birthday, then after we had fun week playing with new toys and being sick and now this weather is just too gorgeous to want to look at the computer. I am however feeling terribly guilty about not getting pictures up so I am beginning to hack away at the overflowing folder of pictures I want to post. Otto's birthday was sunday the 28th and we had a great day. In the morning he opened a few presents from us and we played and generally had a good morning. His friends were scheduled to come later in the morning for a little party so we were puttering around getting ready for that. Otto was pretty clued in to the fact that it was his birthday this year. He came into my bed in the morning and when I asked how the birthday boy was he got SO EXCITED. He did manage to walk by his presents on the dining room table on his way to the kitchen where I had promised him a pancake breakfast. He scarfed down the pancakes in no time and went on to present time.
There really isn't anything that compares to watching a little kid open presents.

He is mastering a big fat cheesy smile for photos. I love it and request it whenever possible.

Few things make Otto happier than new Hot Wheels but he is really into puzzles at the moment. Grandma Bah sent one that came in a carrying case.

Once Rachel and company were here we headed up to the third floor where we had Otto's big present waiting for him. We got him a big GeoTrax set-up. He calls them Metro Trains and has played with them a bunch at friends houses. As soon as he saw them upstairs he broke into a full sprint. They have been a huge hit.

After Otto's two buddies and their families were here we had a pizza lunch. I decided to not stress over the day and just order out pizza. It was quite lovely to not have to be cooking all morning and actually be able to enjoy the day. Mette, who does usually eat pizza was her usual skeptical self when it was offered to her.

I did make a fun race track cake that we somehow managed to not take a picture of before it was demolished. We did however get some great video of it which eric just said he will edit together soon. I covered a small table with paper and wrote Happy Birthday on it for the boys.

All in all it was a wonderful birthday. There was no crazy big party or too much confusion beyond a normal day with 5 small children running around and we all seemed to have a really good time. By naptime we were all ready for a break and we crashed hard.
So there it is, in the blink of an eye he is three. There is much more to come from the past week but for now this makes a dent in the pictures I have to upload.
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