This past week we had a bit of an impromptu playdate with some of Otto's buddies. For what ever reason there seems to be a magical time of peaceful play that happens after lunch and pre-prenap meltdown. Monday was no exception. While the boys had been playing fairly well together for most of the morning, just as everyone was getting ready to head home they started wrestling. I don't mean pushing and pulling with screaming and tears. I mean genuinely having a good time, being careful not to hurt each other while having a blast, wrestling. No one wanted to stop the good times they were having so I went and got the camera while they laughed and giggled and crawled all over each other. At one point it sounded like Otto was saying "get off, get off" but very calmly. We then realized he was saying "get on, get on!!". Much different.

Mette, the child with no fear of larger, faster, louder, older children couldn't take being left out and had to come see what the fuss was all about.

Not too much longer after that playdate the snow started to fall. We had a few days of steady snow which amounted to a beautiful winter wonderland here in the burg. We were supposed to host playgroup at our house this week, but since it was snowing so hard people couldn't make it. Rachel and company live close enough to walk so they came armed with snow pants and gear to play outside. I waxed up the runners of the Flexible Flyer and the boys climbed aboard.

Mette was bundled up to the point of not being able to move. Rachel carried her in the backpack while I pulled the boys and we set off to seek adventure in town. We did see a tow truck that was working on pulling a truck out of the river which was quite exciting. No one was hurt and it was the result of someone trying to look for a good place to launch their boat. I don't feel to sorry for someone who tries to launch a boat from an icy slope during a snowstorm so we stayed to watch for a while.

All the fresh air and the rhythmic motion of Rachel walking was too much for Mette and she fell asleep. Face pressed against the rain/snow guard.

The call of snowy hills was too much for Otto. He climbed off the sled and was waist deep in the white stuff.

We had a great time exploring the winter wonderland. As the morning wore on we all started to get a little tired and headed back to the house for some hot chocolate with marshmallows and lunch. Naptime was good, though I wish I could have slept too. I made up for no nap by getting in bed at 8 when Otto went to bed.
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