I am awaiting photo approval on some of our winter fun shots. We have quite the covering of snow here and I have some great shots of Otto and friends playing in it but I need modeling clearance on a few shots before I post any for you. In the meantime I thought I would share with you some of Mette's cuteness. We recently received a large bag of clothes from one of Otto's friends for Mette. Among other things there were some fabulous dresses and skirts. This was what she was wearing earlier this week and I think she looks too cute not to share. She is also in just the past week really starting to change the way she looks I think. It seems like she is losing some of her baby chunk around her face and neck giving her much more of a little girl look and less like a baby. While I think it is totally adorable, I miss the baby look. I was getting out the basinet co-sleeper this morning to lend to our neighbors and realized that I am not going to need to use that again. While more than two kids was never in our plan, and isn't now, it did give me pause. Mette is growing up way to fast. I want her to stay tiny forever. With each milestone completed I am ever more aware of it being a stage of babyhood we will not experience again. My mom always says "this is just a moment in time" when it seems like I will never have a moment to myself again. She is so right, it is only a moment in time, and when it is gone, it's gone. On to bigger and better things I suppose, but there really is no better feeling than having a tiny little person asleep on your chest, all snuggly and warm.
For the record, she has a pretzel stick, we don't let her have cigars in the afternoon.
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