The Birthday Girl
Originally we had planned to be in Hoboken with Ben and Shannon but the threat of a big storm kept us away. Bummer. I had planned to get some cupcakes at the adorable cupcake store down the street from them for today but since we were home, we picked up a small cake at the store for the girl. Next weekend we have a small luncheon planned when I will make her a cake, or cupcakes, haven't really decided yet. It didn't seem right to let the day go by without having some icing. We went to Wegman's this morning and purchased to Mylar balloons. One for Otto and one for Mette. We got some groceries too.... The balloons have been quite the hit. Otto loves running with his and Mette has been very happy to eat the ribbon. Life is good when all you need is a balloon. After Wegman's we hit up Border's for a birthday gift for one of Otto's friends. It made for a nice morning out and about. Mette got to ride forward facing in the car. Always more exciting for the parents than the kid though Mette did seem to enjoy the new view.
Before the cake extravaganza I made a nice dinner. We had roasted chicken over a salad with peppers and feta. Simple and yummy. In addition to that we had baked brie, homemade bread and apples. Every birthday requires some decadence. Mette who never eats anything at the table had almost three pieces of apple and two small pieces of bread with brie!!! Figures, regular bread she is ho hum about, but add brie and she sucks it down. Eric thinks we should try caviar. We have just been offering her all the wrong things.
After dinner we brought out the little cake, had a candle and sang Happy Birthday. Mette was unsure the moment we turned out the lights.

This is the one and only "bite" she took. She sampled a tiny bit, declared it no good for eating and went about to play.

We had a nice laid back family day. We also got Mette the next video in the Baby Signing Times series. She loves the first two so much and this was a HUGE hit. Both she and Otto have watched it three times already. He is even picking up the signs. Mette is just transfixed.
Testing the viscosity
It was good fun
Icing is very good for the hair
Otto of course wanted the lone blue flower.
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