This past weekend we had some out of town guests in for birthday celebration. Yia-Yia and Papou came along with Uncle Matt to celebrate Mette's, Otto's, Dee's and my birthdays. We had a fun filled weekend with gorgeous weather. We spent most of both days when not napping outside. It was glorious. Since they drove in from Chicago they arrived Friday night. No sooner did they get here and they were handing out some presents.
Otto is still a bit tentative about wrapping paper and usually asks me to do it. Mette on the other hand jumps right in. Even when what she is opening is my present :)

Otto and Papou reading his new book together.

Day one of park visits. Otto got to take his "motorcycle" as he calls it out for a spin. He is fearless and fast and he loves it. Not too surprising!

He is also so much bigger this year. It is amazing how much he has grown since the fall when we were last at the park. He can do so many more things than he could before, which is both awesome and terrifying.

Mette was a bit unsure of the whole park thing at first, but she has taken to it quite well now.

Here she is in her element. Mette would like nothing more than to have you read her stories all day. She will go to the bookshelf, pick out a book, bring it to you and demand it be read. I am loving this stage and hope it lasts for many years to come. Good thing we have a lot of books because I might go batty otherwise.

Me watching Otto tear it up, ready to catch him as he goes flying by.

Uncle Matt, there should be a special prize for uncles. He was amazing. I think Otto was so tired after last weekend he went to bed early two nights in a row and it is all from playing with Matt and Papou. Matt was fine with Otto waking him up when he got up and played with him and Mette all day. It was like a spa vacation for me!

Mette likes to snuggle on the doll bed.

She also fell in love with Papou. She would just about fall over smiling at him when he would enter the room and loved being tossed and twirled about.

Yia-Yia and Mette swinging.

It was a fabulous weekend. I even made homemade pizza and pie for my birthday dinner which was very festive. By Monday morning everyone was headed home and it was just the kids and me in a quiet house. With any luck the warm spring weather will bring them back again.
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