Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's official, Otto is huge. Somehow Eric and I managed to make a tall baby. Today Otto and I went for his well baby visit, aka SHOTS! Daddy was working, lucky him. Otto is now a hair shy of 28 inches tall, long(??) and 18 lbs. For weight he is in the 50% which is quite normal. For height he is in the 80%! Does he not know that he has short parents. Perhaps he is going to take after his uncle Racer. Can't say that is a bad thing, my "little" brother who now towers over me by almost a foot is pretty cute. There are worse people to take after. After being weighed and measured and laughing at the doctors silly name tags which he was determined to eat he made it through four shots. This was the best time yet for shots. He cried but not near as much as last time. Once it was all said and done he got to cuddle with me and chew on his giraffe toy which made it all ok. He is totally healthy is all regards and wowed the nurses with his mega watt smile which now shows off his new teeth. All in all I would say it went better than expected.

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