Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So here are the promised "stacking" photos. This is all Otto wants to do now. He is either stacking what ever he can get his hands on, nesting his cups, or carrying a block around the house. He likes to put his toys in all kinds of little nooks and crannies. Yesterday he was taking the blocks from the living room, carrying them into the kitchen and putting them in his highchair. It is really a fun stage. He is also really into playing by himself which is a great skill. Also, now that he really has the walking down the language is coming back. He repeats what you say a lot. He gets some of the sounds and the inflections. It is really cute!

The next morning he stacked his banana pieces.
That is really hard considering how slimy they are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new look! And I love the devil hat. I tried on --well I didn't actually do the trying on, Leo did -- the one you made for Leo a few months ago but it didn't fit anymore. How sad.