Monday, March 3, 2008

Birthday Morning

So certain uncles who shall not be named, but whose name begins with "B" and ends with "N", won a trip for he and Eric to go to Chicago and have a special dinner with Rick Bayless. Of course it happened to be on the Otto's first birthday. Since Eric would miss the cake and festivities of the evening, we thought it would be fun to give Otto a present from us in the morning before Eric flew to Chicago. He really is enjoying his music class that we go to once a week and loves things that shake and make noise so we got him a set of wooden instruments. They have proven to be a big hit.

One of the best parts of the instruments is the cool sticks it came with. Otto carries them everywhere. He is actually quite good at hitting the cymbals and drum parts and making music too. They also sound nice when you hit everything you pass on the way to the kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful gift! I know Otto will enjoy these for a long time. I still have a pair of claves (those beautiful fat sticks you hit together) from one of my kids musical set.