Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Want to know what frustrates me these days, I will tell you anyway. When I finally get Otto down for a morning nap and I give up the opportunity to take a shower to get things done. Today I cooked off tofu for him and made him some veggies. Then he keeps on sleeping so I catch up on email thinking he will be up any minute. Now he has been asleep for an hour and I could have taken a shower, but didn't. Now it is too late to get one in... Don't you feel sorry for me. He he, if only that was the biggest thing to worry about in life.
The saddest part of today, somehow I managed to ruin to pots of coffee while trying to get breakfast this morning. Eric kindly made me an espresso with the last of the coffee but as soon as Otto wakes up we are off to the coffee shop so I can get a latte.
Now that Otto sleeps through the night eric and I are trading morning duty. Usually he makes the coffee and I come down to a full pot of delicious java. He never makes the coffee machine go into self-clean mode like I did today. You would think I would be better at making coffee than I am.

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