Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tunnel Vision

Last month when we went to IKEA I decided not to get Otto a tunnel for the "how much would he really play with it reason". But as time went by I kept thinking about it and was starting to think he might really like one. So I started to look for them online. I couldn't find one that didn't have some disney character on it that was under $30. The one at IKEA was $12. Last week some friends took a trip to IKEA and asked if we wanted anything. At first I said no, but changed my mind and called and asked if they could pick Otto up a tunnel. It is safe to say that it has been a HUGE hit. He loves it, and the cats do too. It has become a permanent fixture in the living room when Otto is around. Luckily it folds up really small and can be put away because nothing says classy like a giant bright blue tunnel in your living room.

still working on which toys are good to take on a tunnel trek and which ones don't fit as well.

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