Saturday, May 10, 2008

cars going fast

As many of you may know, Formula 1 is a big deal in this house. For Otto we call it cars going fast. Eric knew he had really fallen for me when he totally spaced on watching a race and instead went to Wegmans with me. It was a major deal. Well, the racing bug has officially passed to Otto. Otto only watches Sesame Street and an occasional Teletubbies on TV. Well, that and Formula 1. This morning while eric was still in bed I said to Otto, "Do you know what today is? It is a car going fast day." I was on the floor playing with him when I said this. He immediately started pulling on my shirt, walked over to the TV and pointed and said "dat!". So I turned on qualifying and he was so excited. At this moment eric walked down the stairs to see Otto making car noises and pointing madly at the cars going fast. He looked so proud. So it's official, we are a Formula 1 family. I think we are going to try to take him to some races at Watkin's Glen this summer. He already has the headphones so he is ready to go!

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