Thursday, May 29, 2008

feel i should make this clear

In the last video that eric posted, you can hear Otto making lovely bird sounds. I have now watched the video about 100x as it is Otto's new favorite pass time. He comes into the kitchen, points up to my computer and says "that". "That" is Otto speak for "mommy will you please let me watch the silly video of me again?". So needless to say I have heard him making bird, cat and race car noises over and over again. In addition to the video he charms me with them all day as well. I feel I should clarify that he is imitating the ravens that he heard at my parents cabin a few weeks ago. He does hear birds singing sweet little tweedle dee dees in the yard all the time but he has no interest in making that sound, and who would when you could caw like a raven. So if you thought he had a strange idea of what birds were, this will clear that up.
Now if you want to hear a strange version of an animal sound, ask him what a monkey sounds like. Basically it is one big sucking in sound. Hilarious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, where is the movie of the monkey sound!? You can't leave us hangin' like that.