Saturday, July 25, 2009

Good Eats

Forgive me Alton Brown for stealing your tag line. My guess is you won't ever notice.

Good food is a plenty here this time of year and we are enjoying all nature has to offer us. Part of dinner tonight was roasted beets and potatoes with goat cheese, one of Otto's favorites. It was to beautiful to pass up sitting in the roasting pan waiting for the oven to heat up. Roasted beets are one of my favorite vegetables ever. I love the way they smell as soon as you cut into them. It's like you are digging in the fresh dirt right on the kitchen counter.

With all the good veggie goodness of fresh beets, tomatoes, greens and beans we have been stocking up on lately it seemed only right we make some cookies. This week Otto and I made some cookies for eric's non-birthday. He refuses to acknowledge them anymore. Cookie dough is another one of Otto's favorite foods. What can I say, he has good taste! Not only does he like the dough, he likes just eating the flour. Can't say I agree with his taste on that. This time as he was licking the flour off the table he got some stray brown sugar too. To which he responded "oh mommy, this sugar is GOOD!" Sure beats the heck out of flour.

We don't want to hog all the fun food experiences so we have been including Mette too. She tried peaches this week and hated them!! We will have to try them again later. She made the funniest faces and was not interested in anymore. Who would have thought! She really seems to want to hold her food and have "big" things to eat. I am wondering if she will take after her uncle Racer and Ben, or was it Matt?? who refused to eat much baby food and insisted on feeding themselves. To give her some satisfaction in that department we gave her a teething biscut to try. She seemed to like it quite a bit and enjoyed making a big mess of it for sure.

She was so excited at one point that her whole little body was shaking with joy.

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