Friday, September 18, 2009

We have Swine Flu, She learns to crawl

There are many advantages to working for a University. Summer off (well, at least there are no students, I haven't seen eric take "off") tenure, sabbatical, being part of a community, tuition exchange... the list goes on. It's a good gig, never mind the insane driven work ethic of a professor, the absent mindedness (at least my prof. has that!), crazy academic climate. Still, I call it a good gig. That is until all the students come back to campus with their lovely germs that they are more than willing to share. And share they do. School started up in August and this is our second time being sick. The first time is was a bad cold with a nasty sore throat. Now we have the swine flu. Yes, you read that right, the swine flu. It is spreading like wildfire across campus's everywhere and ours is not to be left out. Eric came down with what we thought was a nasty cold on Monday and was not getting better. We didn't think it was near bad enough to be the flu but he went to the doctor on wednesday to see if he could get medicine for a nasty sinus headache. They have been testing everyone with cold symptoms to be on the safe side. Sure enough, an hour after he was home we got the call that he tested positive. Now this wouldn't be too big of a deal if it was just us, but we have two small kids. One who is under a year old, so that makes it a little different. Eric was told to stay home from work for the rest of the week and we were all, including Mette, put on Tamiflu. Eric and I take it for 5 days, the kids for 10. The hope is it will either prevent the kids from getting it, or if they do get it, it won't be nearly as bad. So far that aspect seems to be working. They both have the sniffles, but otherwise seem fine. Which is good, except eric and I just want to be in bed all day and they are not old enough to fend for themselves. Nothing like feeling like poop and having to take care of little people. I don't seem to be as sick as eric was, but I do not feel good by any stretch of the imagination. I have big hopes for feeling better tomorrow.
So what does Mette do during this time? She works on crawling. For weeks now she has been on the brink of really crawling. That is not to say she doesn't get around, because boy does she ever! She can commando crawl faster than I thought possible and it especially quick where there is forbidden fruit ie. snacks or wires available. Then last night she was really looking like she was going to start moving her hands while up on all fours rocking away like mad, but no. Today however was a different story. On two occasions this morning she did a solid three or four movement crawl. She looked prouder than a pig in shit each time and I don't think it will take her long to realize that while commando crawling works, cross crawling is even faster. Her main interests for crawling are, anything Otto has, food of any kind, including small bits that have been ground into the carpet, wires, anything plugged into an outlet. So, you know, luckily she is going for safe things! She also looks like she is about to start pulling up. If I remember correctly, crawling is not bad, it is the cruising where you really need to watch out for all the trouble they can get into. Looks like fun times are ahead of us!!
Speaking of which, she is waking up so I must drag my sorry butt up the stairs now.

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