Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's the little things

In all the craziness that is the end of the semester and deadlines for two commercials, we have managed to have a delightful weekend, helped by some beautiful weather. Yesterday I got out the door by eight to hit the yard sales with Rachel where I scored some Nascar trucks for Otto and two cars which will come in handy as treats for Otto when he has allergy testing next month. I also got some great jammies and t-shirts for him. When I got home the kids and I played outside in the yard enjoying the beautiful weather until Grandmom, Grandpa and ever growing Hugo arrived. Soon after that my uncle Alan and aunt Lee arrived. With children tucked into beds for naps, my mom, aunt and I headed out for lunch and girls day of shopping at the Japanese fabric store in town. That store is amazing!!! Really that already is a fabulous day but it was made even better by a fun dinner at the local burger/shake/fish sandwich joint and a romp in the park to wear out the kids.

Today is race day in the F1 world and it is Monanco which always makes for a good day. Top that off with lunch at the park where we ran into friends and yummy local goodness for dinner planned with strawberry rhubarb crisp for dessert. It doesn't get much better than this.

Hope your weekend was as good as ours!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

JAZ said...

strawberry rhubarb crisp was made here last night and is being enjoyed by all human residents of 745 N Taylor. Thanks for bringing the wonderful farm produce that made it possible!