Friday, September 24, 2010


Baby Opal

not the real one. Well, that depends on who you are talking to I guess. See, a good friend of mine recently had a beautiful little girl who they named Opal. I think she is the "real" baby Opal. Mette is quite taken with her. Otto too, though not as much as Mette. As soon as she arrives Mette immediately points her out. "Look Mama, it's baby Opal" she yells as she runs over. For the most part she is pretty gentle with her. When baby Opal is being held by her mother Mette often declares that she should be "down, down on floor" as she points to her feet, "baby Opal, down on floor with ME". She is not totally aware that you can not lay on small babies, or poke their eyes out, but she does show some caution. Regardless she is the talk of many conversations we have each day. When baby Opal grows up into little girl Opal, or, wow, could it really happen, young woman Opal (denial, denial, our children won't get there for a LONG TIME, right??) I will always in a part of my mind think of her as baby Opal. That is due in part to the fact that right now, in addition to keeping track of Mette, Otto and an entire fleet of matchbox cars, I am now in charge of baby Opal.

Meet baby Opal.

She is darling, no? Mette found her in a bin of random Playmobil people and declared her baby Opal at once. We haven't been without her since. Which would be fine until you see her to scale:

as Mette says, "baby Opal TEENY TINY". And she is. We loose her on average I would say 100+ times a day. Did I say "we" loose her, yeah, that would be, Mette looses her. In her defense, she is about 100x better than eric or Otto in finding things so that helps, but I still find myself not going more than 5 minutes without checking in to see where she is. I have learned from my time tracking matchbox cars that vigilance pays. If you loose it, but have seen it recently, your chances of finding it are much higher. The longer it goes without you knowing where it is, the harder it will be to find. In addition to the large part of my brain that is taken up with song lyrics, we can now officially designate a large section to "constant small toy surveillance". This supports my theory that really I am brilliant, I am just stuck keeping track of everything and as a result my brilliance suffers.

Despite her small stature, baby Opal is very accomplished. She goes on the potty, she eats most anything, she takes a pacifier that is twice the size of her body. She seems to take many naps and is very sleepy. She loves the slide "weeee!!" and is also quite fond of riding in small cars, but they have to have seat belts. It would be a crime any other way.

Should anyone who is reading this blog post happen to have a small playmobil person who resembles baby Opal lying around their house, I would pay top dollar for it.

I'm just saying'....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Megan said...

Oh my, how cute! Today, Leo wanted to put Baby Opal in the little box that is the top step of his stool. Boy, she gets around.

Kristin, Max's Mom said...

Wow, this post had me literally laughing out loud. What a little character that Mette must be! And it exhausts me to think of the adventures Max and I have ahead of us.