Monday, September 13, 2010


Hair cut and face washed.

Spare outfit folded neatly with "FADEN" printed on the labels.

All three soccer jerseys clean for the picking.

Release form printed and filled out.

Snacks ready.

Bag set.

Water bottle clean and set.

8x10 photo of what he did this summer ready to go. (eric printed it and chose the size :) )
-otto chose the photo of him standing in front of the Brumos Porsche at Watkin's Glen

Why does getting Otto ready to spend three hours at preschool 7 blocks away where one of my best friends is the assistant teacher seem so hard?

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow, I have none of that ready. I hope he is not late for his first day. But maybe the rush in the morning will keep me sane, at least until he leaves.