Thursday, October 28, 2010

Towering love

School for Otto starts at 9 which means if we are walking we need to be stroller bound by 8:45 and if we drive (because I am headed to the store after Otto is dropped off) we need to out the door by 8:50. The kids are up and raring to go by 6:30 which should leave us plenty of time for mette's three bowls of cereal, coffee for me, Otto's snack packed and clothes for everyone, and yet somehow each school day we manage to loose focus and I end up running to get us out the door on time. Today Otto needed to wear his Ferrari suit before he would get dressed. He was taking it to school for Halloween activities but had to wear it first for a bit before he would get dressed in clothes. Not too surprising knowing Otto but he plans to dress up as a race car driver again this year, and every year for a while would be my guess. Today while he was being a race car driver and I was getting mette dressed he did this.

He was mighty proud as he well should be. That is some good stacking. He has always been very good at stacking things and really loves seeing what kind of towers he can make. Of course, this only added a new dimension to getting us out the door on time. How am I ever going to get them on the bus??

You must excuse my posting absence, the little baby I mentioned earlier arrived Tuesday night and it has been very exciting around here because of it. My good friend Rachel and family welcomed a beautiful little girl into their family. They are all home safe and sound and we are all looking forward to more snuggles with her.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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