Monday, November 8, 2010

Kids Book Guru

Many of you may already know that we have some pretty awesome neighbors in these parts. The kind you can knock on their door and ask them to help you with anything and they do so with a smile. It is pretty awesome. We have the added bonus to living next door to a children's book reviewer. Kendal has for 20+ years been reviewing children's books in her nationally syndicated column. We have benefitted from her massive children's book collection with thoughtfully chosen, age appropriate stacks of books delivered to our door multiple times and year as well as countless recommendations on books. Trying to find good books for children is overwhelming and almost impossible. There are far too many to choose from, many of them are horrible and really, who has time, or access to them, to find the good from the bad. Enter Kendal. We have been lucky enough to have her for guidance and now you can too. She has just launched a website,, where you can see what she is interested in and if you would like custom lists for your child, grandchild or friend she is happy to do that too. As the whole site takes off it will have more and more info but it is for sure one you will want to bookmark and check often. Check your local paper too for her column, she always has great books there too!

I will have pictures of our fun weekend with Ben and Shannon soon!


Megan said...

Now that is what I have been waiting for! I have already bookmarked her page. Thanks!

Kristin, Max's Mom said...

Thanks for the link! I'm hoping Max will be a reader! So far, he enjoys eating books. I guess you have to start somewhere.